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Writer's pictureShweta Rohini Bajee

The simple things...

This past week has been a much-appreciated break. It was supposed to be a simple stay in Madagascar with the specific celebration with the kids in honor of someone. That’s literally all I planned.

I ended up going to Nosy Be with my parents. Last minute plan as we managed to get tickets on overly booked flights the day before. It was magical. It was (if I am not mistaken) my first trip with just my parents and I. Usually we always travel with other families or at least my brother is here, so this was a first. I didn’t overthink it. It was the testimony of everything I've been building in the last few months. The test of whether I can just be and let things be.

I thought my life would go this way but it has turned out very differently. I am in awe how my vulnerability unfolded in this new life. All my plans and projects vanished when a relationship ended. I can grieve what I had hoped for. Allowing myself to grieve everything about it was magical. It was ugly, beautiful, cathartic; and now I can make this life a beautiful one.

Nosy be was the testimony to all of this as I didn't allow the environment to change my routine and habits. It takes time, effort and discipline to build habits; and for those habits to feel as part of your being.

Things I kept up with:

1. Waking up early

2. Drinking warm water upon waking up

3. Surya Namaskar asanas

4. Eating an “anjali” – quantity of food consumed as per the size of your two hands held together

5. Sipping on warm water through out the day

6. Gym or walking on the beach everyday (or both :P)

7. Being in the present moment

8. Deep breathing exercises

9. Accepting everything as it is and being me (Be the flow)

This year has been very much in line with water. Be water as my friend always reminded me and Rumi going a step further for me to say “Love is the water of life.” Water has been therapeutic for me this year. We spent most the time in the ocean during this trip. By the last day, all I wanted was to be left in the ocean and to join my mermaid family. It was the weirdest wish.

But swimming with the sea turtles, the fish and being in their ecosystem were beyond what my heart can express. It was simply magical. People talk about oneness; I’ve never experienced this much oneness with my surrounding as I did that day in that moment. It is definitely something you have to experience. Being one with everything.

When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, joy. Rumi

Oneness and stillness – What I’ve learned is that it is about accepting things for how they are. If someone is mean, belittle, disrespect, is distant with you, accept it as their behaviour. It is not a reflection of you, but of who they are. Be you and respect how you want to act in a moment. If being in the presence of someone or keeping in touch with someone is hard, accept your emotions and feelings. It is your inner wisdom speaking to you.

Allowing oneness and stillness into your life is about accepting you. Once you find the stillness to listen to you, you will feel the oneness with everything and everyone.

Simple ways to connect to oneself:

-- Eat simple foods. Just like we say enjoy the simple moments; simple foods also have the same impact on our body and mind.

-- Choose one activity where you can start practice being present.

It can be eating mindfully, without your phone or Netflix once per day.

-- Listen to your body’s feelings and ask yourself why are you feeling this way. Your body’s feelings and emotions are the physical ways your Self is speaking with you.

There are many more, but for now I leave you with these 3 simple things (with the last one being a bit of challenging one.)

Always in gratitude,


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