Hi, I am finally a certified Dru Ayurveda Health Coach with Dru UK and Dru Australasia.

It's been a journey to get here. I celebrated by practising my Natarajasana pose in Nosy Iranja weeks ago. I am so humbled to be able to serve you through this service line as from now.
In the scope of practice, we will work on the 5 dravyas (pathways), which are diet, lifestyle, therapies, yoga & pranayama and herbs.
How to do we process:
You book your session through the website or by contacting me.
You will receive a pre-consultation form, Dosha & Ama form and a 7 day food diary to complete before the consultation.
We will have an online (or face to face) consultation through Zoom as per our availability.
I will prepare the Treatment Plan and send it to you. We can have a call on the details.
I will follow up with you 2 weeks after to see how you are doing. (more follow ups can be arranged)
I am looking forward to serving you with this holistic approach to living and being. Living in harmony and alignment requires energy, and it requires our body, mind and soul to be aligned. This Ayurvedic wellness approach allows you to create this energy and balance to keep going. And it will help you for all that you are and all that you are doing to create a magnificent web of light and love across our planet. You really make a difference.
I am currently offering a 50% discount (code: "Ayurvedic Promo") on the Ayurvedic package, book here or email (serenitywithshweta@gmail.com) or send me a chat from the website and I will get back to you soon.
In gratitude,
Shweta, Dru Ayurveda Health Coach
